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Old 10-20-2013, 05:54 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: in the middle of nowhere
Posts: 933

Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments on the pinecones. I have some others to make as well as more patterns to try out. Hoping to get to that today.

Lynnie, there is a tute on youtube on how to make the pinecones. Will have to find it again. I just stumbled onto it one day while looking for ideas. No more did I find that and my quild announced that this is one of the ornaments that we will be making during our Xmas workshop. LOL I thought to myself, of course something I already know how to make. Oh well they are planning to make them in Xmas colors rather than brown so Ill join . in and have more for my tree.

For all of you that hope/wish I have your name and addy. Well just say youll have to wait. LOL Maybe once I get more orns done and figure what Im sending to my partner Ill just have to do some side swapping with some of you.

Well, four of the kids just left with their grandparents for church, the last one is in his room catching up on his horror movies that he cant watch when the other young ones are here, and DH is getting ready to head out to work. Birds are going out today, tonight, and tomorrow so he will just be in and out for the next two days. I so miss him and worry about him when he has to work all these hours back to back, but that is what pays the bills. So, I am off to my sewing area in hopes to get lots done today. Working on more orns and stuff for all my SS swaps. Ill post pics later if I get anything completely finished. Have a great day and happy sewing ladies.
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