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Old 10-20-2013, 03:46 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Texas
Posts: 3,667

Loving the ornaments, y'all! The wooden name tags are darling!!
Lynnie, I almost don't know what to say...except GEEE-ROSSSS!!! I had to laugh a lil, too..and I also love that you shared it with us, the story, not the cat treats..note to self: if get goodies from Lynnie have hubby take 1st bite!! Haha..
When I first started going to my lqs group, I had no problems sharing with the gals the goofy mistakes I made. At frst they were surprised I wasn't too embarrassed to tell of my they all share some of their "goofs", too. No one's perfect, right??..
My 1st share was a biggie..I hadn't quilted except as a girl, hundred years ago (OK, maybe 35+) with my grandma, and only by hand. Fast forward to 3 yrs or so ago, I found this great lqs. Owner was so nice, helped me with some hand applique I was trying, told me I should sign up and join her current quilting class. They were 5 blocks in on a bom, but she said she would catch me up, and I would do fine. I could even do stuff by hand if I wanted. I thought, sounds fun..OK, sign me up. I go to 1st class, 5 other ladies there, all seasoned quilters, all with machines. I had brought my Singer (I had only done alterations, and had sewn some Scrubs, all using 5/8" foot, only foot I had ever used/knew about. See where this is heading??..). The blocks that day were paper piecing, wonky stars and a New York Beauty variation (yep, my 1st ever attempt at machine quilting ). So I am trying to keep up, all calm on the outside, wanting to be anywhere else on the ladies all very nice, but still. So, I am trying the paper piecing, my blocks are all coming out too small, just a smidge, but we all know a smidge counts a LOT in some patterns. Owner/teacher was trying to help me, but couldn't figure it out either, as I was sewing on lines, etc. I ended up telling her I would work on it at home. Came home, after researching I found out the "regular foot" that comes with machine, used for regular sewing was NOT a 1/4" foot..How hilarious, eh??! I had never thought to ask, and lqs owner had no clue that I didn't know about 1/4" foot. I laughed and laughed, all while forming a close bond with my seam ripper... Next class I told them all what happened..we all had a great laugh, and it's so nice to feel so comfortable with other quilters!
Take care all,
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