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Old 10-21-2013, 05:30 AM
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Location: Cody, Wyoming
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I love the chatter at those things myself and uh sitting at home I earn zippo so maybe its worth it .. not for some but for those with limited income it makes a huge difference. I wish I had the energy to do those things but I barely have energy to do what I am doing now. It is a lot more fun to gift them and know they will be loved.

watched zombies last night. ugh, awful, gory, gross, did I mention gross? hubby was wanting to watch the darned thing and I gave in .. who is the DUMB bunny here? I won't do that again anytime soon. rather watch a cop shoot em up and no would not rather watch that either. Life is full of cruddy things why spend my time watching such horror and negativity. just walk into a hospital and look at the faces of those there.. its scary enough to me.

I am trying to come up with a pattern to use on a round robin with tractors and such. going to use cow fabric for sure with it.. how can I not? I LOVE COWS. weirdo. who cares? when I was growing up I would tell my parents when I grew up and was rich I would buy them a cow. everyone laughed at me and I didn't understand why. now I get it. gee not buying you a big house or fancy car nope not Linda. buying you a cow! a moo cow at that. for years received cow items from family as a joke. I was embarrassed by all the cows and too refined.. got rid of them. now years later I think.. they weren't that bad and wish I had kept those 40 or so cow ornaments.. what a cute tree that would have made. dorky but cute
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