Old 10-22-2013, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Neesie View Post
I don't know whether or not you were referring to one of my posts, but I'd like to make a statement, just in case.

I am brand new, to this swap, and have learned to think and rethink about what I'm saying, before posting. I've stopped teasing to a large extent, for fear someone will think I'm serious and be offended.

However, I really don't see why anyone should be offended, by my disappointment at not having a chance to get to know my SS person. It does make me sad, as I had so very much wanted to send a special gift, just for that person. I've tried to choose fabrics with her favorite colors and her stated 'likes' but I know nothing of her personality, so I've no idea whether or not she'll like them. I'm trying to include things she may like but really have NO idea whether she will or not. From her form answers, her likes are almost the opposite of mine, so I can't just send stuff I'd like. I keep hoping she'll happen to read one of my teary posts and consider posting more (or at least answer some of my posted questions), before I have to mail the package. I know I'm not alone, in my feelings.

I'm very, very sorry, if I've offended anyone with my emotions. Will try to do a better job, at keeping them to myself.
The teasing is all in good fun, and I hope we're all adult enough to see it for what it is. Where's the joy in doing this if we can't banter back and forth and giggle and drink virtual wine and just have FUN?

As for lamenting that your Santee isn't posting -- that is sad, because she or he is missing out on a great part of the joy of this swap. And as you said, you're missing out on getting to know someone better whom you're trying your hardest to please with a gift that will be enjoyed and appreciated. Maybe writing it here will be the nudge it takes to get them to join in -- and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I admit, this thread is one of the first things I check upon logging onto my computer. I've loved every minute of it. I understand that some people like to read and not post, and that's fine -- but not nearly as much fun for them or for us.

Finally, I've really enjoyed getting to know you here, Neesie. I hope you never but a brake on what you'd like to say here.
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