Old 12-04-2009, 10:37 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 16

Oh, also, to explain the cost I have to ask you to forget it is a needle and think of it as a solution. Needles are all made cheaply overseas, plated with nickel and made by low wage earners. My needles are made in Minnesota where the shop time is $75/hr. It was a political/emotional choice I made to have my needles made in the US. The down side is the cost.

However, having said that, I have had needle manufacturers appoach me and when they try to find someon who can make the eye they back out because they cannot get it done anywhere. Most manufacturing companies wonder how I can get them made so cheaply.

I understand the cost hits people hard, but honestly, I don't have much profit in it. That is why you don't see them in a lot of stores. I cannot give the stores the mark up they want because my costs are so high.

Buy them or not, but just know I am doing everything I can to make the best product available.
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