Old 10-27-2013, 06:19 AM
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Wise decision, Carrie, to get your son involved with it, but to stop and not force him, but to let him decide when to come back to it. He will appreciate your help and prize the quilt a little more. Sounds very cozy and looks great.

QuiltE, there are just some things a gal has to do; with mice getting in to that linen closet, I was going to clean it up before bf came into my room to take care of me. And yes, when I was working and hiring housecleaning help at $36 an hour, I did clean a bit before they came into my home. My bathroom attracts mice and bugs, its unreal...so I use Tom Cat poison to keep down the population explosion. Bf may never see that linen closet, but I knew it was there and what it needed. Dh was a real dear and helped a lot on this job and on the guest room as well. My house is clean and ready for this week. Yes, I am taking it easier, asking for help, and not reading of a night so I do not overuse the eye. All of that is hard for me to do, especially the last one. And not quilting or using the sewing machines. Sigh.

Getting older is a humbling experience. Thank goodness the youth here has been raised right (from the cradle to sixty plus years) and lend a helping hand with a smile. Times past, I have always jumped into things feet first and think later about how much work it was to do it right the first time. Now I have to stop and re-think before I go into action. And ask for help: facts: I cannot see well. I cannot jump two inches high anymore or go on hikes. Have problems getting in and out of the car. My pace matches a snail's pace. But I still have miles to go before I rest. Slowing down, yes...giving up....NO! Seeking solutions, YES.

Seek the solutions for better life and count your blessings today. Celebrate the day. It will be gone tomorrow.
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