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Old 10-28-2013, 07:59 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Chippewa Falls, WI
Posts: 159

I run a dehumidifier as well, I also have some windows ( very small) that I open when I can, which will most likely be in May. I have two banks of fluorescent lights and task lamps near the sewing machine and cutting table. My machine has fantastic lighting and that hasn't been a problem. I usually have a wax melter and several candles going while I am working, but that is for my own enjoyment. As I began to use the room more the musty smell lessened and disappeared. The basement is connected to the duct work and ventilation for the rest of the house. I have laminate flooring over concrete and used the best vapor/moisture barrier I could find ( got it on amazon) I haven't had any issues with the floor. I solved the problem of the cutting table by getting a Sullivan hobby table and I made my ironing cover for it. It stays folded when not in use and I moved the low white cabinet into the longarm room, where it is easily accessible but not in the way. Hope that answers your questions....the only other thing that has come up is my DH complaining that he didn't get any room in the He can keep the garage!
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