Old 10-29-2013, 08:20 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: St. Louis, MO
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Originally Posted by sew_Tracy View Post
Giant pangs of guilt here. I signed up and await shipping for gifts for my SS person before I put her box together. The thread here is HUGE and I have not begun to comb through it.

About me, well my partner could look at my blog here. I am pretty much an old hippie. I have 3 dogs and 3 cats who keep me busy dreaming up ways to re-purpose animal hair. I have 5 sons ages 28,27,22,20, and 16 with the two youngest living with me still (I am pretty sure these two are the new Second Hand Lions.) I am the brain and gopher behind my husband's home repair business which ebbs and flows...think more toward the ebb side.)

I have several hobbies and usually have at least 10 going at once and none finished! No sooner do I finish a project I am starting another. I have ADD and focus is a huge challenge. Keeping lots of things going keeps me out of trouble!

I am 53 years old and still peri meno. NOT FAIR, who still has pimples, wrinkles, AND chin hair?

Hints for my SS partner:

Your state begins with the letter M
Good Grief! (yes, that IS a hint)
I would lay down Money that you've got me, Charlie Brown!
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