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Old 10-30-2013, 09:45 AM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 19

Wow! Thank you everyone! It is really so nice to see all the sweet messages. I completely forgot I posted this picture and it was a nice surprise to be greeted with all these compliments!

To answer some questions:
1) Finished size: diameter = 24"
2) What is the pattern? This was actually supposed to be 4 12" blocks for an old book I have. The book is 'Spinning Spools' and is really cool because it comes with tons of think plastic templates. I think it is a very traditional block so I wanted to update it with modern colors and a new shape, the circle. I just made a arc template to match instead of using the other piece that should make the rest of the square. I cannot remember the name of the block but it was in the wedding ring type family.
3) FMQ first time. I just started quilting this April or May. I had practiced FMQ two times before this... once at the dealer for 10 secs when I bought the machine and second on a scrap sandwich at home. This was the first time I used FMQ to actually quilt something real. It may look nice in the picture but there are a ton of mistakes! I promise!!

I love the sand dollar comments, you guys are totally right! I just drew on a shape and went with it.

Thanks again! I love this community. ~ Melissa
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