Thread: I am so sad
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Old 11-01-2013, 01:10 PM
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All of my favorite quilt stores...about 6 of them...have closed and it wasn't due to the online stores. It simply was that fabric has gotten so expensive, a lot of people lost jobs and didn't have money, and when money is tight, people give up their hobbies first. There are a few that have survived and some smaller ones, but there really isn't as much variety or I have to drive farther in search of what I want. I guess I was spoiled living in an area where there were so many so close, but I morn their closing and I really dislike shopping online as you just can't judge the quality of fabric and color until it arrives and then it's too late. I shop as much as I can at my LQS just to keep them in business, and their prices are the same as the online stores and I don't have to pay shipping.
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