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Old 11-03-2013, 05:45 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2012
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Posts: 933

Well it seems that the ornament making continues. Attended 4H meeting this evening and was asked to come up with activity for the next meeting. You guessed it along with the kids we have decided to have an ornament challenge. Each person will pick their own plain ornament as a base, its their chose wood, shatter proof plastic, foam, etc. They will then use the provided art supplies at the meeting and have 15 minutes to decorate their ornaments. The adults will then choose the winners in 5 different catagories. Those havent been chosen yet but each winner will receive a prize. The kids are super excited about this one.

Now this leads me to needing some advice. I need some suggestions for art supplies that can be easily found, used, and dry quickly. I have thought of glue dots instead of actual glue and glitter glue and letting them know that they must use it in thin layers in order for it to dry. What would you think would be a great supply to add in the mix. My kids have suggested Xmas stickers, 4H stickers, pipe cleaners, fuzzy hair like a troll has. Hoping all of you could give me a few suggestions that are out of the ordinary.
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