Thread: Need Some Ideas
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Old 11-04-2013, 11:16 AM
Barb in Louisiana
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: The Deep South near Cajun Country, USA
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One easy way to decide if you like a pattern.... go to a store that sells the clear heavy weight vinyl. Use a piece that is maybe 14" x 14" or whatever you choose. Use a marker that you can wipe off the vinyl & trace a pattern that you think you would like on the quilt. Place the vinyl on the quilt top. Take a picture with your phone. If you like it, you are done. If not, wipe the original pattern off & copy another on it. Preview the patterns until you get one you like.

I always thought that if you had curves on a quilt you would want to quilt curves, but I have found just the opposite most of the time. Straighter lines look good on round or curvy blocks while curlicues or Baptist fans look fantastic on log cabins. It's all in what you like.

Look forward to seeing what you choose.
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