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Old 11-04-2013, 05:23 PM
Weezy Rider
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Join Date: Apr 2012
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Originally Posted by annesthreads View Post
When I started to quilt a few years ago I tried 2 local groups. One of them was unwelcoming to inexperienced quilters, the other couldn't cope with me because I'm single. As soon as they'd found out that I didn't have husband, children, grandchildren (their only topics of conversation) I was ignored. I tried very hard to find common ground (I do have neices and nephews), but they obviously just couldn't cope with this exotic "different" person. Quilting groups are thin on the ground around here, so since then I've worked on my own, with this board and Leah Day's site as my companions. I can imagine that a young person wouldn't have been welcome in that group either. Some people are just very insecure and easily feel threatened, or just too narrow in outlook to take an interest in those who are different from themselves. I'm 59 and have friends in every decade of their lives from 20s to 90s. I learn so much from both ends of the age spectrum.
You got it. My grandkids all have 4 legs and tails, and I like it that way. These people also don't seem to relate if you like other hobbies and technology. They can't understand why you would have a camera other than a cell phone, why you drive the truck and other half has a luxury car. Some can't understand why you would waste your time making garments! I tend to do things my way as I don't like some of the marketing techniques used.
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