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Old 11-04-2013, 08:35 PM
Jeanette Frantz
Super Member
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Florida
Posts: 1,585

Okay! It's not just in quilting that women (human beings) are stand-offish! My first full-time job after high school was in an office in my home state. As a student, I had courses in shorthand, accounting, business communications, etc. I was hired as a "general flunky" (no offense intended, but I did a little bit of everything). Then, just three months after I was hired, the secretary to the VP of Sales became pregnant and was retiring. ONLY BECAUSE I could take shorthand, I was promoted to that position! Was I ready for it? NO, a thousand times NO! But, I did the job. The other women in the office were so jealous that vicious things were done. I had purchased a new coat -- one (or more) of these women went into the lockers just outside the office door and cut some of the buttons off my new coat. Then, the snide remarks began, my lunch was taken. Eventually, the pressure on me became so great that I developed physical symptoms (without any physical problem), but the pain was no less real. When my doctor told me what was happening, I became very angry. I went to the office where I worked and at the very green age of 18, I told the office manager that either she got these women off my back or I wouldn't be around much longer. The office manger was horrified at the things these women had done. Jealousy is a green monster! Suffice it to say, the office manager put a stop to the shenanigans and I continued to work until I was 5 months pregnant with my son.

Now, as to quilting, I am a "rank amateur"! I made a Sunbonnet Sue applique quilt about 10-12 years ago and, at the risk of sounding conceited, I did a good job. I have made one queen-sized bed quilt, all satin stitch embroidery on whole cloth.

The ladies on this board, both young and more seasoned have all welcomed me with proverbial open arms which I appreciate very much. I have sewn all my life, my grandmother quilted, and I just decided that I very much admired her work. I am 68 years old but you have been quilting a lot longer than me. I'll never win a blue ribbon -- not sure I would ever try to!

You are obviously very talented and in my book, you are more than welcome. I have been the recipient of much guidance and inspiration on this Board. I hope you will continue to participate here -- I have a hunch you could teach this old "dog" some new tricks!

Keep on Quiltin'

Jeanette Frantz
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