Thread: Disappointment
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Old 11-07-2013, 05:23 AM
Barb in Louisiana
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Originally Posted by Tfch8184 View Post
Here are pictures. I love the top and the back is my favorite but the quilting. Ugh. I swear I could just beat myself for ripping it out and redoing it since the redo looks like poo.

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Close up of my attempt at wavy lines. I *think* the part that eats me up is the thread. I thought it would pop and looks good but dang it looks bad. Really really bad. I love the quilting on the backing. That just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I don't know what to do with it right now. I just know my head won't let me move past it till I finish it.
When I look at the quilt, I see a very busy inside & nothing on the borders. It really needs a heavy quilting pattern in each border. That would make it look like a finished product instead of partially done. If that extra bit of quilting was added, you would have a totally different look. I would suggest some kind of a theme... spirals, circles, a flowery pattern. Maybe trees. Go to Urban Elementz and look at "Loose Threads" or "Cool Beans". Anything but something straight. The lines need to be softened. Overall, I like what you did, but you just need to finish it.

You have it at the stage I get when I make a garment. I've done all the seams, but I haven't hemmed it and I just hate the way it's turning out. I get the hem in it and all of a sudden, it's beautiful. Your ugly duckling will turn into a swan when you get that quilting on it.
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