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Old 11-11-2013, 09:16 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Freeport, Pennsylvania
Posts: 148
Default I am at my wits end!!!!

So I've been working on quilting a queen sized quilt as a wedding present for my BIL and we are coming up on the 1-year anniversary already. I thought this would be done back in May, but that's a whole other topic!!!

The problems I have been having and why I keep putting off finishing this is the FMQing. First I can't get the tension right (it works on my sample but when I try the actual quilt it is/was all wrong), but I got that fixed. Now, the problem I have been having for the past times I try to tackle quilting it is the top thread keeps breaking. I have tried machine quilting thread, all purpose thread, and invisible thread in various brands. I have changed the needle numerous times finally ending with an metallic embroidery needle that seems to be working the best out of them all. The top thread seems to fray and then break. Sometimes I can get a good 10 minutes in before it breaks and then sometimes as little as 20 stitches and then it breaks!!! I have even tried Sewers Aid on the thread to lubricate it.

It's no wonder why this quilt is taking so long. I would like to take a match to it and just forget the whole thing. It is about 80-85% done, but I am ready to kick this quilt to the curb!!

Any suggestions?? cause I seem to be out of them. The only thing I am wondering about is perhaps it's the batting. It is an all natural bamboo batting similar to Warm and Natural. This is my first time using that kind of batting, but I honestly wouldn't think it would cause my thread to break.

Some vacation day - noon and I am thinking it's time for a mid-day glass of wine...
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