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Old 12-06-2009, 10:47 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Idaho Falls
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I was thinking it might be fun to write down our upcoming New Year resolutions concerning what we would like to accomplish/learn in quilting this coming year.

Here are mine so far. I'm sure I'll add others, but these are my main ones.

1. Improve my machine quilting, esp. my FMQ!!!!! I hate my machine quilting and I know it's because I've only started and I just need to practice, practice, practice.

2. Finish 1 UFO a month. This one is made easier because I belong to a quilting bee called the "UFO Bee." This year we are doing a UFO Challenge, which means every month we sign up to finish a UFO. It helps that the rules are a bit loose. Instead of actually having to finish a project from beginning to end, someone can sign up to finish a top, though most of mine I hope to actually finish and get them out of the UFO pile! For those who sign up for the UFO Challenge, if we don't get our UFO done that month, we owe 1 yard of fabric to the kitty. At the end of the year we'll receive a raffle ticket for each UFO we've done & there will be a drawing for all the fabric. I'm determined to get 12 raffle tickets and not have to pay in any fabric, or at least that's my goal.

3. Dye my own fabric. I really, really, really want to learn to do this and I've got some great methods I want to try, including the snow dyeing that was posted in another thread here.

4. Keep up with the Dear Jane quilt that begins in Jan. I definitely don't want that to end up a UFO!!!! :shock:

5. Take both classes from Sally Collins when she comes to my local guild this spring. Sign ups begin in January and I plan on making sure I'm one of the first to sign up. I definitely do NOT want to end up on the waiting list and possibly miss taking a class from her.

So what do the rest of you plan for this coming year? Are there any techniques, classes, patterns, or other things you would like to accomplish?
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