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Old 11-14-2013, 06:00 AM
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Originally Posted by nativetexan View Post
I have pressed in ways that don't always allow seams to nest. sometimes I flip one and sew down and later finish by pressing it again to the other direction. or I have snipped that seam near the cross stitching and let it go. Do what ever works for you. there really are no hard and fast rules.
I also do this, clipping into a seam allowance (just don't clip the sewing threads!) if I need a seam to go another way so seams will nest. Makes things so much flatter. I often press seam allowances toward the sashing because there are so many fabric layers coming together in the blocks themselves that it it easier to get everything to lay flat if you press toward the sashing. If the sashing is lighter than the blocks, make sure there is no block fabric peeking past the sashing fabric to show through on top.

I also like sashing individual blocks with this method. So much easier than handling those long rows of sashing and cornerstones stitched together. I think I do a neater job of piecing using this method.
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