Old 11-18-2013, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Quilty-Louise View Post
Over the weekend I was at an Exotic Bird Expo, so during the day
I wasn't home (of course).

My box came in on Saturday, and I posted that I got it and sent a
pm to Terri.

Sunday my brother and his wife was coming to see my hubs so he
could work on their computer and of course they KNEW I was going
to be gone.

My SS box was sitting on my desk, so Carrie (my sil) asked my hubs
what was in the box. The conversation went something like this:
Hubs - oh that is her secret santa gift.
Carrie - well she must not be to interested in it since she hasn't even
opened it yet.
Hubs - Oh she is VERY interested and it is killing her to have to wait.
Carrie - why does she have to wait?
Hubs - Because that is part of the swap fun when there is a "scheduled"
opening day so everyone can have fun at the same time.
Carrie - well that is just dumb.

My hubs and Mel (my brother), went outside to look at something on
hubs Jeep. Than they left.

When I got home about 4pm I sat down at my desk and noticed my SS
box was not there. I asked hubs what he did with it. he said nothing it is
on my desk. Then he walks over and said well it was there.

After much searching I found the box under my desk and it had been
OPENED but the flaps folded/tucked. To say I was VERY mad would be
a major understatement.

I called her today and told her that if she can't RESPECT my privacy and
a SEALED box with MY name on it that I didn't want her coming to my home

Later I get a call from my brother wanting to know what my major malfuction
was with Carrie. When I told him what happened to my SS box he was not a
happy person with his wife.

She used to not be like that. Don't know what her problem is but I may not
forgive her for a long time.

I DO want to let my SS know that I did not look in the box, but handed it to
hubs and asked him to tape it back up and HIDE it for me. Since it is obvious
that it is not same on my desk.
That is unbelievable!! Some people are just too nosy for their own good!! At least your brother agreed with you and stuck up for you!! You have a good husband for taping it back up for you and hiding it again.
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