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Old 11-21-2013, 05:41 AM
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Originally Posted by 4dogs
I first tried FMQ on pot holders but found that to be too then I did a larger mats. That was much better thing to practice on........I had read that you could just make big S"s and that worked pretty well. I think you really have to have a foot that you can see through because you have to be able to see where you are going. I find it easier to start on an edge,,,,,sometimes I sew my self into a dead end..when that happens, I go off the edge./...than i can start over at another spot. Dont go too fast, it seems to be easier to me to go slower......and the gloves really help too, it keeps better control of your fabric. I think the main thing is doing it over and over until it becomes more can always sew all those practice pieces together and make a dog bed for your dog, or for your local animal rescue organaization.
How slow? I've always been told to rev up the machine and go fast until you stop. Slow like stitching a curve of applique?
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