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Old 11-21-2013, 12:45 PM
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Glad they arrived. Here's the link for the tute.
No sewing, glue only if you want to. There are a few slightly confusing bits, even though I'd made the paper Moravian stars before. I'm sure there are tutes for those as well.

My additions to the directions-
-Be sure to fold and iron the 3" strips very neatly so all the folds line up
-When interlocking the four strips together, place the all the open edges of the folds to the center.
-Keep the center square snugged up as you go along.
-When making the points definitely leave a small space in the center of the point as shown in the picture so when the point is folded it will lie neatly. I used tweezers to pull the strip through, and with a little experience you can trim off the excess just a bit above where it would show before doing the pull through. Undo and repeat if you need to snug up the center square or refold your points.
-After the each point is made, rotate the piece to the right and do the same with each short strip. That way your piece is oriented to the photo. When all four on one side are done, flip the piece and repeat to do the last four.

I think these would be cute with a button or beads sewn in the middle, beaded dangles, etc. Would be nice as a package decoration. It takes longer to cut and iron the strip folds than to make the ornaments.

Originally Posted by Grandma Di View Post
I just recieved my 2nd ornament. I love it, and the other treats too[ATTACH=CONFIG]447983[/ATTACH]. This is from Janet Oliver.
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