Old 11-21-2013, 05:17 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Villa Park, Orange County - CA, California
Posts: 24
Default Bought unfinished project at a garage sale - What is it?

I was very fortunate to puchase 9 different unfinished quilting projects at a garage sale last week ($5- $8 each). The quilter who passed away had so many interesting projects - probably over 50 of them! She was very organized and mituculous - the projects were in nice plastic boxes, the pattern noted on the outside: inside the cut pieceses (all sored in baggies with notes, the pattern, extra fabric, some had templates too!

I got this one brown box with no pattern name, but many zip lock baggies with notes on them. At first I thought it might be one project but I am not sure. Can you help me out?

The MYSTERY BOX has many flower prints with: large and small hexies, heart yo-yo's, half square trangles, large and small "petals"?? (as well as a lot of 2" squares???) Also alot of "fence rail" (I think that you call them that--- rectangles that have one corner cut off) Here is a photo. I got this whole box for $5.00.

If you do not know if this is an actual quilt maybe you could give me some ideas what you would do if you had "the mystery box??

I ended up spending ONLY $110.00. I was trying to refrain myself!!!! I got a bag of selected (my me) notions for $20.00 - many still in original packaging, unopened. Fabric (even batiks) was priced at $1.00 a piece - even 3 yard pieces.. She had 3 FeatherLights and another machine - many finished quilts. Oh how I wish I would have known her as you could tell she loved the art. Bless her sole. All funds were donated to her church.

Are you up for the mystery?
Attached Thumbnails img_3972_0382.jpg   img_3974_0384.jpg   img_3975_0385.jpg   img_3976_0386.jpg  
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