Thread: Life with a cat
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Old 11-23-2013, 08:47 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Houston, TX
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I have 2 cats that are about 1 1/2 years old and they love to run and play. I have lots of feathers on dowels, string toys, catnip mice, etc., to play with them and keep them entertained. And the lids from soda water bottles and water bottles are some of their favorite toys as well as balls of crumpled up aluminum foil. My grandfather used to tie a string around a roll of newspaper (about 3" x 4" and about 1 1/2" thick) and play with our cats. He would also tie the end of the string securely around a door knob and the cats would spend a lot of time playing with it on their own. Just like children, cats and dogs need your attention and lots of play time.

Even though my 2 are strictly indoor cats, I have not had them declawed. I have treats for them and they know that when the treats come out, they get their claws trimmed and then the treats. I use nail clippers and cuddle them as I clip their nails. Makes the mani/pedi's fun for everyone!

I also have a cat climbing pole with ledges and boxes for them and the cardboard scratch boxes. When they started to claw my couch, I wet a cloth with white vinegar and, after first color-testing it on a hidden area, wiped down the areas where they were clawing. Cats hate the smell of vinegar. They have not clawed since!

A friend of mine who doesn't have pets said she couldn't believe all the toys I have for my babies. I said just as I bought toys for my nieces and nephews when they were babies, I am doing the same for these.

I hope you have lots and lots of fun times with your darling!
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