Thread: Life with a cat
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Old 11-23-2013, 09:20 AM
Jo Anne B.
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Join Date: Sep 2012
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I agree cat declawing is mutilation and painful. I did it one time and will never do again, the cat was never the same. I understand declawed cats also tend to become biters. My cats love their scratching cardboard boxes, everyone has their own.
My neighbors have a cat that is declawed on all 4 paws, poor thing is so upset all the time, hisses, cries and hides. Animals are smart creatures, they know they are compromised. Absolutely neuter/spay, they will be happier for that and so will you. We currently have a new kitten, courtesy of the feral female in the neighborhood, came across her when walking the dog. She was wet, cold, hungry and week. Vet estimated her to be 4-5 weeks. We don’t need or really want another cat but she is tons of love and fun can’t imagine our life without her(Mocha). Good luck and tons of fun with the new furbaby.
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