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Old 11-26-2013, 01:39 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Upstate NY
Posts: 221

Originally Posted by yobrosew
I really couldn't make up my mind and kept going back to look at the picture. After reading all the input, I find your idea/suggestion is the best all around; no tear out/redo and the red would work to pop out the shades in the border print that do match the tone in the blocks. I would quilt the border in 'piano keys' to break the floral and connect geometrically with the main portion. No, it may not be what you imagined but that does not mean it does not work! Quilts, like life, do not always turn out as planned and end up -----

I agree also! The colors are correct. You have some of the same scale fabrics in the body of the quilt, another go! Choose the red will bring it all together. What a wonderful retirement gift, from the heart.
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