Thread: Life with a cat
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Old 11-26-2013, 10:24 AM
feline fanatic
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Originally Posted by Cagey View Post
Update on the kitten: we've decided to have him neutered but not declawed. My DH clipped his nails and he is not as aggressive with the dog. Hopefully this will do the trick. He already has a couple of scratching posts so time will tell.
Hooray! Thank you so much for being an awesome cat caretaker. If you associate good things with nail clipping you will never have a problem. All of my cats allow me to do it and some are so laid back about it they lay on my lap belly up and let me do it while laying as limp as a wet noodle. Cats can be awesome companions. I have dogs too but all my cats are now oldsters and my pups are basically that, pups (2 YO and 12 week old) so the cats give them wide berth.

Thank you, thank you , thank you for deciding not to declaw.
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