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Old 11-27-2013, 08:32 AM
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Smile any ideas for quilter gifts?

I am chair of our employee quilt show each year, and next year is our 5th anniversary. I am trying to make it special and thought of giving small gifts to the quilters. It would have to be really cheap as there is no budget for that sort of thing. But, I thought it would add to the fun.

So, maybe a small gift for those who participate in the show (we generally have less than 20 quilters enter). I would need to get this locally as I won't know until 2 weeks before Show how many will enter. I am budgeting only aout $1 for this.

A gift for those who have participated all 5 years (we only have 2 that have been in all 4 so far). I could order this ahead of time since there are so few. This could maybe be $5-$10 each.

A gift for the quilter who entered the most quilts (we have a 3 quilt limit each show, and only one quilter has entered every year & has done 3 more than the other quilter who also entered all 4 years). This also could be ordered early. This also only about $5-$10.

I really don't have time to make anything, as I have so many other duties to perform for the show, and I would like to get a quilt or two ready to enter!

So, what kind of great (but cheap) ideas can you all come up with???? Thanks.
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