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Old 11-30-2013, 01:19 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Originally Posted by Tartan View Post
If it is a small spot of my blood, I chew a little wad of white thread and use the thread wad to dab the spot. The enzymes in your own saliva will dissolve your own blood spot. Sounds gross but it works.
Yes that does sound gross, but it REALLY works ! Works better than water or anything else I've found, and doesn't leave any discoloring. An elderly quilting friend told me to do this at one of our quilting groups several years ago. My first thought was "yeah, I'll just bet it works," and to my surprise it actually does. I usually use a kleenex or another piece of cloth, when I get a blood spot or spots on fabrics I am working with, which of course are naturally usually white. Invariably I always seem to stick myself with pins no matter how hard I try not to.
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