Thread: Singer 221 FW
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Old 12-01-2013, 02:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Maggie67 View Post
Okay,I got my screws and washers for the bed extension. I presume one washer goes in the front and the other after the screw is in the first hole, but before the extension hole. They screw in a short distance fairly easily, but to screw them in flush is tough. Is this how they are suppose to go in? Or should I use something on the screws that makes them install easier? Is there a secret here? Or do you just torque them in? I just don't want to strip the threads or something stupid. TIA.
Maggie- I couldn't tell you just now and may not be able to at all, but when I have time Sunday afternoon late, I will look in "My Featherweight and I" manual, to see what it shows. If no one else on the Board can tell you, you might check with Dave McCullum, (I think that's his name), he is the author of my book and has the Featherweight RX site. I need to help a dear friend after Church get everything set up in the Fellowship Hall for a wedding on Mon. afternoon, may be Monday late before I get back to you.Hope someone else can help you.
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