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Old 12-01-2013, 04:31 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Snowy Minnesota
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Following the instructions in the book "One Block Wonders" by Maxine Rosenthal, I've made two quilts (one hexagons; one octagons). While this isn't exactly the same thing you're doing, the principles are identical. And like you, I was afraid to make the first cut! Here's what I remember thinking was important:

1. Don't wash your fabric.

2. Do follow the directions exactly (lining up the fabric, using flat-headed pins, etc.).

3. Take extra time to be as accurate as possible. Accuracy is critical in making this type of quilt.

4. Remember that this is your first kaleidoscope quilt + you're only human = you are unlikely to achieve 100% accuracy (not that any mere mortal ever can). Also remember that if you never try, you have no chance of success. So dive in and begin learning. This one will be great and the next one will be even better!

5. Be sure to post a picture of the final result so we can admire, applaud, and (frankly) learn from any mistakes you're willing to confess.

6. Have fun
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