Thread: Life with a cat
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Old 12-03-2013, 09:48 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Northern California mountains
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I never wanted a cat. Last year DH (recovering from a stroke) decided that he needed one then a second. One has decided he's mine. The other owns DH. Miss Katy was an adult clawer when she arrived. DH told her no while holding her paw gently but firmly. It took about 2 weeks for her to get the idea (she is not quite bright). I have always heard that declawing a cat is abusive and dangerous to the cat. There are a large number of unhealthy unwanted feral cats in our area, often becoming coyote food. Spay/neuter programs are available in most places.

BTW, my neutered male is a total delight. He cuddles very sweetly on my lap IF I have a lap quilt there, otherwise on any other quilt. He and my dog have become friends, requesting door opening for each other. Tiger has learned to turn on the motion-sensor light to notify his dog and us of his need to come in. Of course, he investigates everything.
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