Thread: Life with a cat
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Old 12-04-2013, 12:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Cagey View Post
You are so right -- his favorite place to play is on my sewing table. He is very interested in the sewing needle going up and down. I have to keep one hand behind the needle to guard him from getting his paw caught. He is quite the character.
I kept a little squirt gun near my older machine when Bruno moved in, anytime he got too close to the needle, he got squirted in the butt. He learned real quick not to get close to the thing that moves. He learned, and I can sleep at night. Just be careful not to get any part of the machine wet. (That is why I shot him in the butt, furthest part of him from the machine. 12 years later and when I am sewing, he will come say hi, but he won't get near the needle.)
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