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Old 12-09-2013, 06:26 AM
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Originally Posted by quilterpurpledog View Post
Your quilt is off to a great start and will be beautiful when you complete it-keep moving on. I also have MD in one eye so I know exactly what you are saying about the situation. I appreciate all of the comments made by others regarding this condition because there are nuggets that shed light on the condition and the struggle that goes along with it. Every day that I can sew and read is a blessing. My doctor is amazed at things I continue to do and so I keep on keeping on!
I am glad you are able to "keep on going" too. Dwelling on eyesight that is gone is not too productive, huh.... Probably the biggest change I made when I lost the central eyesight in my right eye was that I "allowed" myself to buy any book that I wanted, cause I didn't know how long I would be able to read. So far it has been 15 years, and I have read a lot of books! (I used to be on a self-imposed book budget, as I am a bookaholic as well as a quiltaholic. )

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