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Old 12-12-2013, 11:05 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 673

i'm still figuring it out. a friend told me it takes at least one full year to become accustomed to it. for the first time in my life i have enough time to do the things i should have been doing for the last 45 years--housework, organizing, etc., but my heart just isn't in it. i retired because the hubby needs assistance because of his parkinson's, and some other health issues. some days it feels as though i never left the hospital to retire. i'm finally on a deadline, though, which might be the push i need. granny's day care will be getting two babies within two months of each other--two daughters will deliver that close together. they can't afford daycare, and i think i need the distraction. the house may never get organized, but dagnabbit, i'm going to have some fun along the way! (i tell the kids that i was already tired. now i'm just re-tired.) i think the babies are going to keep us young, or wear us out in the attempt.
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