Old 12-12-2013, 11:51 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 126

Hello At first I didn't understand what was going on so I went back and reread almost all the post and now I think I understand a little more. Knittee has said it well and in such fine words but each one of us went into this swap with open hopping for something we really wanted when in all realty were probally not going to get or at least that is the way we should have felt. I gave a list that was very general because my taste can get expensive and I didn't want that to hamper what I did get and I got some really wonderful things I loved all of them the bar of soap I got was great and makes my sewing room smell so good, the homemade scarf is good for my coat great colors, The blinking nose I got was so cute I wore it out to dinner but dh made me take it off before we went into the restruant, and the list goes on and on but none the less most of it wasn't on my list(thank goodness) but I was so excited I got what I got that not being on the list wasn't even a factor once I started opening the gifts. This is the season for giving and for receiving no matter what you get be happy enjoy and say thank you to who gave it to you and enjoy this season.
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