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Old 12-13-2013, 11:16 AM
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I use both a floor and a lap hoop. My floor hoop tilts so that I don't have to bend way over on it and has all kind of adjustments to make it comfortable for me. But I love sitting on the couch with a quilt on my lap and quilting. I use a
14 in lap hoop and a 16 in floor hoop. Shop around a little to see what's out there. You may end up buying a couple of hoops before you find one that you really like. Be patient!

Once, when I was working on my floor hoop and the quilt was large and the over hang was laying on the carpet, my two corgi puppies were taking a nap on the part of the quilt that was on the floor which they frequently did. After a while, I thought "boy, those puppies have been asleep a long time." When I looked, they weren't asleep. They were quietly taking my quilt sandwich apart. I think this is what caused their life long addiction to ripping batting out of the stuffed toys they get.
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