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Old 12-15-2013, 04:40 AM
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And there is no reason why the cabinet you were working on couldn't look as pretty when finished.

Don't be suprised if it's not near as nice in person, a lot of little scratches and stuff don't show up well in photos. But I've also had them turn out nicer than in the photos too - it's a very nice machine too.

It's so nice to see one that didn't get used as a plant stand! So, so many have water rings on the top from planters.

I doubt it's photoshoped, or they would have removed all the dings in the front lid. Must have closed it on the cord, or else the machine doesn't fit down as well as it should. This can happen if they put the 15-91 is a cabinet that was not made for them. Though this is a newer style, so I would expect it should. BTW - everything is fine until you go to put the machine away - that's when you'll see that it won't close up quite right.

You can also tell because they've had to tuck the cords under the lift - probably rewired it to take a double sided plug and then wanted the foot control under the machine. Or this cabinet and machine didn't come together.

oppps - looked again, pedal is hard wired. The problem with these - if you wire them correctly, you have to unwire them to get them out of the cabinet - which is a drag unless the wires are bad and you just cut them. I like the updated lift with the slide in opening for the cords - but many of them just have a solid hole to run the wires through.

Last edited by Macybaby; 12-15-2013 at 04:52 AM.
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