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Old 12-16-2013, 11:55 AM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Elm, New Jersey - In the Pine Barrens
Posts: 6
Default Head Bolts

Originally Posted by Vridar View Post
Not having seen a 29- in the wild since childhood, when we got one pair of shoes a year and resoled and reheeled them at the cobbler, they aren't as big as a little boy imagined. But, as you said, it is heavy. Much heavier than I expected, especially the treadle part. My head was bolted to the base with 3 flat headed slotted bolts (screws) and one round headed. The round headed looked original, the three flat heads were shiny indicating not original. Hopefully, CD or SteveH or someone will get back with size for you. If not, I'll eventually get them figured out and post it. It appears to be a 1/4 inch 3/4 inch long bolt with a standard medium thread.

Thank you for the information. I did try to have a quick look in 2 of the holes but soon found out they
were filled with debris, so mouch so I could not even see any threading. Hence my questions here. I am going to have to do some careful clean out and liberally use the air compressor.
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