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Old 12-18-2013, 07:10 AM
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 9

Hoarding, never!! After making all my nieces and nephews graduation quilts, it's now time to make for other people. I have never sold a quilt, they have all been gifts. When gifting you have to buy fabric on sale, and sometimes that means overbuying to feed the habit. I've also purchased other people's stashes, and while I give some away, I find lots of great stuff. After an illness that left me unable to work, I find quilting fills my days and makes me a very happy person. I resolved to work down my stash and was doing pretty good at that to make my hubby happy because I have so much. Then guess what happened next, HE starts picking out fabric that he thinks would look great in quilts, and of course, I have to have coordinating fabric. My stash is growing again fast, although I've made 10 quilts since summer. LOVE this hobby!!!
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