Thread: Wassail
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Old 12-18-2013, 02:20 PM
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Default Wassail

Originally Posted by hopflower View Post
Actually, the toast part is right, but the cider part is not completely correct. Wassail is a traditional English custom that originally involves ale, or beer; which is England's national drink (besides tea, which came much later). Cider drinking came about only within certain counties in the southwest. It's an offering to the Spirit of the Apple Trees or God to ensure a good harvest the next year. It is ancient in origin. Nowadays, people make it with almost any alcoholic drink. It is good, however.
My WASSAIL has no alcohol in it. I don't know anything about tradition but my kids absolutely LOVE IT. I prepare it and then keep it warm in a crock pot...YUM!!!

1 gallon Apple cider or juice
1 quart plus 1 cup Orange Juice
1 quart Pineapple juice
1 cup sugar
4 sticks cinnamon
24 while cloves

Bring all ingredients to a boil and simmer 10 minutes.
Refrigerate and Reheat. Can be frozen.
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