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Old 12-19-2013, 04:29 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: The Finger Lakes of upstate NY
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I work in the office of a public high school and several teachers give us gifts each year. Honestly, I wish they wouldn't - I don't need more things, and would rather they put the money toward a donation to the fund we have for needy children or to their favorite charity or church.

That said, we have one teacher who is crazy crafty and comes up with some great things. I LOVE this years, and it would be fairly inexpensive as well as easy. She sewed a small bag that ties with a ribbon (this was sewn into the seam an inch or sew from the top) and put an inexpensive pair of gloves - the kind that are fairly lightweight and look quite small but fit just about anyone) and a travel sized tube of hand cream. They were labeled "Gas Gloves" and the tag says to keep it in your car to put on when you are gettign gas so your good gloves don't get ruined.

If you look on Pinterest I'm sure you'll probably something similar. This is one that I'll definitely be copying - in fact, I bought the lotion on my way home and will be getting the gloves tomorrow. Lots of fabric in my stash I can use, lol.
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