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Old 12-09-2009, 10:30 AM
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Oh yeah I wanted to explain my shelf. I bought two dressers at a yard sale for $5 each. The taller one I painted and used in my living room and then the other shorter one I left outside in the rain and snow for two years to weather it. When it was falling apart I pulled the pieces apart and stored them. This shelf is the front part of that dresser. It is weathered and has marks of old age and I love the distressed and used look of it. I am into primitives and this is an inexpensive way to decorate. Then the jars are little apothecary jars and they hold my button collection.The box with the red poinsettias holds handkerchiefs that belonged to my great grandmother Nancy. The oil lamps are three of DHs 40 plus collection and these three we use in bad storms so they are kept with oil in them. The middle one I bought at a friends yard sale for $2 several years ago. It is worth about $65 in an antique shop.
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