Old 12-09-2009, 12:56 PM
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Hmm--as far as baby weight and drugs...I didn't want to take anything. But, just like they say in the birthing classes, I was afraid to puch with my first because I felt like I'd split apart. Not pain as much as a sensation. So, I asked for a little something to take that edge off. Labor=28 hours. I fell sound asleep between 1 min contractions.

Number 2--a girl--she was late and weighed in at 10 lb 11.5 oz. Ouch. I had bruised bones. I'm not that big--just under 5'4". The labor was picture perfect--I was joking around with the doc--told her to get her catcher's mitt. But--it took so long to push that girl out. I never asked for anything--don't know if she gave me something. I didn't like this girl for 2 weeks--I hurt, had no help and she interrupted life with the prince.:lol: :roll: I'd nurse her and hand her to her father--who had her wrapped around his finger the moment she arrived. After two weeks I made up for not loving her. ;)

I wrote a book all about this mothering thing. Well--the first few years anyway. I have written more since... and many keep asking for the next book. But, I don't have time!
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