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Old 12-23-2013, 10:16 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Corpus Christi, Tx.
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I made some mug rugs for my aunts and mine are more about 8x10. I took the pockets from my husband's jeans and shirts and they like to stick their spoons or little sugar packets in the pockets. I gave them both a set of 4. I also gave my MIL a set. MIL likes hers because they were made from her DS's clothes. The pockets are also big enough if they want they can stuff a couple of cookies or whatever they want into them. They just wash them in Woolite when they're done and toss into the dryer or let dry over the towel rack. MIL's neighbors think they are just the beans. MIL's bff has a birthday in February and would like a set for her. Wanted to know how much they cost. I told her a recent photo of herself. She did specify she didn't want any part of her son on the mugrug (LOL). Happy to oblige. After all it's her son and not bff's.
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