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Old 12-28-2013, 12:19 PM
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Location: Houston, TX
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One more thing, be sure to download the Free Kindle for PC App. It allows you to download the majority of your books onto your computer. You can even set it up so that you can sync between your Kindle and your PC, so you can jump from using one to the other and start right where you left off in the story. However, my favorite use for this, is that I can organize my library on the computer. If you read only one or two genres and don't have more than say 50-60 books it's not that important. I, however, read lots of different stuff and have downloaded books for my grandkids, as well. Not just fiction either. I have books on gardening, soapmaking, green living, grammer, how to write fiction/nonfiction, etc. (I'm a hoarder thru and If the kids want to know about birds, math, or some country...I've probably got something to at least give them a start and I can find less then a minute. Then all I have to do is go to my kindle, type in the name of the book, download it and the kid has it. Or I just click on it and there it is on the computer for them to read. Wonderful program. They will still have to find more books thru the school and the public library but they'll have a better idea of what more they need to know on the subject.

One more thing, then I'll be quiet. I have a lot of educational apps that I got for free. Everything from math to science to grammer to well everything. I'm in a much better position to help with homework, cause I can review or learn from the app and turn around and use it to help them. Sometimes, they can use the app to get a better understanding of the topic. Almost any app for the Android OS will work with the Fire and it's upgrades.

I don't use my Fire for browsing the web, accessing my emails, or watching movies/videos (the screen is just to small for me) but I have found it to be the best thing "since sliced bread"....LOL. I use it daily!
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