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Old 12-28-2013, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by KalamaQuilts View Post
The longest we were without power was 4 days during an ice storm
Our neighbor had a wood stove to cook on and made a huge pot of chili...
in the low light she put cinnamon in instead of chili power. We were happy to get Anything warm, but have teased her ever since.

Really makes you appreciate how good we have it! Do you have a treadle or hand crank? Wonder for these type of inforced hermithood
on the first day without power...last Sunday it was not freezing cold out...I have a gas BBQ so I used that to cook...FIRST I had to try to get the FROZEN cover off and I did that by taking the end of my rake which I found in the backyard and cracked off all the frozen ice....I have a side burner so I thought it would be easy but that was going out on me with the I had to use the main BBQ for boiling water for tea....wrapped up the handles on the pots with foil and that helped...made eggs, bacon...toast...then I found a small roast in the fridge and decided to wrap it up and cook that sons were laughing at me but of course they did enjoy the brunch..we went to my sisters for day was FREEZING outside so no way I was going to go cook outside...nights were cold by we have,a,gas fireplace in basement and it was warm done there...upstairs we had the wood burning fireplace and that was burning the entire time...

it was an experience for sure...finally on the third day (Christmas Eve) my son called me..I was at my sisters cooking tell me we got our power brother went another two days without power...

It is paralyzing without power...we sure take it for granted..hope we don't see that again for a LONG time...

oh, and no treadle or hand crank...makes me want to go out and get one...
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