Thread: Charity Quilts
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Old 12-31-2013, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Morag View Post
We make at least 1-12 charity quilts a month for the children's advocacy center near our home.
Sorry but I do not know what you mean by "birthed" ...If it means from scratch..then we birth them all!!!
I gave this answer a few pages back. Hope it helps you to understand what "birthing" means in quilting.
Originally Posted by justflyingin
I'm not really familiar with the term "birthed" as pertains to a quilt (though I can make some guesses without doing any searching on the web). I bind all charity quilts the same way as I do my own or gift quilts.

I see no one else has answered this, so here goes. Birthing is the name applied to the process of turning a quilt right side out after top and back have been sewn right sides together with the backing on the outside. You need to leave an opening when you sew around the outside so that you can turn the quilt. (Birth it.) After the quilt is "birthed", the opening is sewn together, usually whipstitched by hand, but some use a zig-zag on the edge.

Birthing is a very easy and fast choice for baby, children's, and charity quilts. I've done some full sized quilts like that, but I enjoy binding too much, so I usually bind most of my quilts, no matter what size.
Mavita - Square dancer and One Room School Teacher.
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