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Old 12-31-2013, 08:20 PM
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What you count as a UFO is entirely up to you. Most of us consider just having the fabric and pattern doesn't count. IMHO, to be unfinished, it has to be something I have actually started on in some way. Just buying fabric and pattern isn't starting for me. LOL
If I have, for example, pulled all the scraps that would go with some purchased fabric, kept it all out where I can get at it, cut some strips or made a sample block... then set it aside because something better came up.... ta daaaaaa.... UFO. But again, each person is able to define their UFO's as they wish. Some consider a quilt kit as a UFO. I've never had one, but if I did, I don't think it would become a UFO until I started it, then put it back and left it sitting.

So you see, our "rules" are few and you get to pick what works for you. It's all good for this group, as long as we get to cheer for you when you post your finishes!!!
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