Old 01-02-2014, 03:44 PM
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Honchey I checked out QuiltPro website and the blocks looks similar to FWS, but have joined anyway so will get the daily e-mails, so if we decide to do anything I will be good to go

QuiltE I knew I could get you organised I love my project boxes (plastic containers really) everything is together and nothing gets lost (or used for other projects)

GGal I have no flimsies, got all my quilt tops quilted and bound before Christmas so I get to start the New Year off with an almost clean slate. My ufo's are really wip's as they are nowhere near completion. So I am just plodding along

Here is a very bad photo of my Round Robin quilt. I made the centre block and DD decided on fabric and design for the rest. When she told me I had to add the limey green strip to my block I said "no way" but she said "trust me Mum" and that was pretty much the conversation for this whole quilt. And as you can see we used rose fabrics imagine that. I love this quilt and get to look at it every day.
Attached Thumbnails dscf0763.jpg  
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