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Old 01-06-2014, 10:36 AM
fabric lover
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Originally Posted by Lori Peercy View Post
It is -13 with wind chill of -38 this morning. High of -6 today. I ain't goin Nowhere! With my COPD I sure don't need to be out in that. I have lost about 50 pounds now and have been able to cut my high blood pressure medicine in half and don't have to take anything for my diabetes anymore. I hope this year is better than last year for sure.
Wowwwwwww Lori, that's fantastic, I know how hard that is so I'm very impressed with losing so much weight.
When I was diagnosed with diabetes I lost a lot of weight as well and could lower my medication. Unfortunately now, 15 yrs later and the same weight, I do have to take more meds and give myself a 'shot' once a day.
Ah well, old age, what can a girl do ? LOL.

Stay warm and comfy indoors.
Today it was 14 degr. C here, according to 'the people who know these things' it's the warmest 6th of januari in recorded history :-)
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